Quality Policy Statement
We as all the volunteers participating in the Medical Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association’s (TEPDAD) activities,.contribute to the improvement of the quality of medical education, the health service provision and the health level of the community by carrying out providing information, evaluation and accreditation studies.
The main philosophy of our quality policy is to contribute to the ongoing assessment, learning and development of the culture of social responsibility in medical education institutions.
We will adhere to the following corporate values while conducting our work.
-Reassurance: all components and provide assurance to the community about the nature of the medical education in Türkiye is our main goal.
-Continuous Learning and Development: TEPDAD constantly learns from its own work and from the experience of other institutions, and develops its own internal processes and services.
-Participation and Collaboration: TEPDAD is based on participation in all its activities and seeks and develops cooperation opportunities based on mutual trust, respect and openness with national and international organizations. For sustainable cooperation, it is essential to have shared goals among the co-operation partners, to exchange the expertise, resources and information, to work together and to establish a relationship between each other.
-Human and service orientation: TEPDAD volunteers establish and maintain an honest, respectful, sincere relationship with all the institutions that they serve and all the individuals in these institutions. They are open to feedback and evaluations that are sensitive to the expectations and needs of institutions and individuals.
-Transparency, Accountability and Social Responsibility: TEPDAD is responsible for providing adequate and continuous information and accountability on all activities, especially accreditation.
-Ethical approach: TEPDAD volunteers adopt the highest ethical approach within the framework of their social responsibilities and behave in accordance with TEPDAD ethical rules.