TEPDAD (Medical Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association) Regulations

ARTICLE 1: The Center and the Name of the Association

The name of the association is “Tıp Eğitimi Programlarını Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği”  (Association of Medical Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation).  The abbreviation of the association is “TEPDAD”, and will be mentioned like this in the following articles of the regulations. Association center is Izmir and no other branch office.

ARTICLE 2: The Purpose and the Activities of the Association

a)  The purpose of TEPDAD is to make contribution for the evaluation of the quality of the medical education in Turkey doing the works of information evaluation and accreditation for the medical education programs. So, TEPDAD aims at to improve the public’s health level, educating qualified and competent physicians to contribute the scientific developments who gained the ability of desiring to learn more than he knows in his professional life and have the ability and the knowledge to be able to provide high quality health service to the public’s health problems, integrating medicine applications and the development in the public and science.

b) TEPDAD, to perform the purpose does the activities below:

I. Upon the applications of the institutions, to accreditate the medical education programs.

II. To carry out selection and the education of observers and the members who will work in accreditation activities.

III. To perform the education and the information about the program evaluation of the program directors and the faculty members.

IV. Progressively observing the present and future needs of the medical education stakeholders, to provide the renovation and the revising the process of the evaluation, criteria in need, and determining program evaluation criteria.

V. To perform the purposes, to organize meetings on workshops, panels, conferences, seminars and courses on national and international levels and to support the works on these scopes.

VI. To communicate, to aid, to carry out joint projects, to pull together with accreditation establishments, profession organizations national and international associations related to education, evaluation and accreditation.

VII. To make national and international reciprocal and multilateral recognition agreements.

VIII. To became a member of related national and international organizations.

IX. To make observations and investigations and have them done, publish and have them published for the development and the efficiencies f the activities.

X. In order to achieve the purposes, to supply every sort of information, document and publication needed to create a documentation center, to create an internet page, to publish working and information bulletins to deliver the members the issues like books, magazines, newspapers to announce the activities, to prepare audio-visual materials subject to working activities, and to distribute through mail and e-mail.

XI. To achieve the purpose, to provide a healthy environment and to supply every sort of technical tool, devices articles on the inventory and the stationery.

XII. According to the procedures shown in the 2860 numbered fundraiser law providing the necessary permissions, to do the help collection activities, accept the donations from domestic and abroad.

XIII. To achieve the purpose, to establish and run economic, commercial and industrial businesses to obtain the necessary incomes they need, or to become a partner such sort of business.

XIV. To buy, sell, hire, rent chattel, real property needed for the activities and to have the same rights on real properties.

XV. To achieve the purpose, in necessary circumstances, to establish a federation or to join in any ready federation, receiving the necessary permission, to establish the facilities which can be established by the associations through permission and to establish foundation units with some parts of the properties.

XVI. To achieve the purposes if found necessary, without prejudice to province of 5072 numbered associations’ and foundations’ relations with public institutions and enterprises, to carry out joint projects with the public institutions and enterprises on the related business activities.

XVII. On the activities, not forbidden by law, and in connection with the purpose, to organize platforms to achieve a same aim with other associations, foundations, trade unions, confederacies and similar non-governmental organization.